Below are the best career paths for every new graduate

In this quick manual you will find some assistance on the jobs you should be applying to.

When you finish school, the job market might seem daunting. You'll discover so many choices to consider before picking a job, and it may not always be straight forward. Nevertheless, one sector you’ll be sure to find an amazing job in finance. Jobs in the field have fantastic prospects, as they are quite often high paying jobs in demand for the future. While getting in the sector might be scary for a new graduate, there are so many opportunities to make the most of – whatever your interests, there will be something for you. Distinguished experts in the industry like David Li of BEA would confirm that a job in finance is one of the best careers for the next ten years, as financial institutions are continuously developing and there will always be demand for folks working in the sector. While you'll find numerous jobs in the field, all of them offer the opportunity to advance down the line.

Deciding what you want to do in life is possibly one of the most crucial decisions you will ever need to make in your life, and you really should consistently think about what careers will be in demand in ten years or more, to pick a job that will invariably be relevant. Some of the best jobs for the future are in engineering. Professionals in the field such as Lawrence Culp of General Electric would confirm that engineers are some of the most sought after folks – they have an excellent education and tend to be great at solving problems, which indicates they are amazing folks to have as part of a team. Obviously, a factor you should really never ever underestimate is the salary: since careers in this field require certain skills, most jobs come with a competitive salary, and recent graduates can expect to earn more than graduates with degrees in other subjects.

If you're an artistic individual, most fields will be hard for you to work in, as many jobs won’t enable you to explore different areas and skills. Design is an exception to this rule: in this sector, you will get the opportunity to be creative on a regular basis while working on all sorts of different roles, from client facing ones to office based tasks. Professionals which include Michael Bierut of Pentagram would likely agree that there are so many various choices in the field that you will be able to discover something you find enjoyment in. To work in this sector, you will of course have to be creative and have an eye for detail, and in order to succeed you will need to be ready to think laterally and display you can bring something different to your clients.

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